Events currently taking place Page 5

IndoMICE Bali 2015
IndoMICE Bali 2015

From to

Telecommunications, Tourism, Hotel industry, Mice, Technology

Expomeetings México 2015
Expomeetings México 2015

From to

Centro Banamex
Mexico City, Mexico

Business, Event organization, Congress centres, Incentive events, Events, Logistics, Mice, Services

C.B.R. 2015
C.B.R. 2015

From to

International Congress Centre Munich
Munich, Germany

Hotels, Adventure tourism, Tour operators, Tourism Organisms, Cruise lines, Leisure, Mice

Travel Xpo Melbourne 2014
Travel Xpo Melbourne 2014

From to

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center
Melbourne, Australia

Tourism, Mice

Evento Business Show 2014
Evento Business Show 2014

From to

Centro de Convenções Frei Caneca
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Marketing, Travel, Service, Event organization, Events, Mice, Services


From to

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Tourism Organisms, Gastronomy, Furniture for restaurants, Hotel furniture, Hotel equipment, Food, Tourism, Hotel industry, Mice, Services

Giftex Stationex & Jutex 2013
Giftex Stationex & Jutex 2013

From to

Nehru Centre
Mumbai, India

Advertising gifts, Corporate gifts, Stationery articles, Plastics, Gifts, Printing and graphics, Mice, Technology