Events currently taking place Page 4

Minas Pão 2014
Minas Pão 2014

From to

Serraria Souza Pinto
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Bakery, Sweets, Restoration, Hotel furniture, Food, Hotel industry

ExpoHotec 2014
ExpoHotec 2014

From to

Centro de Convenciones Atlapa
Panama City, Panama

Technologies for hotels and restaurants, Services for hotels and restaurants, Hotel furniture, Hotel textiles, Kitchen equipment, Hotel industry

Hospitando Sardegna 2014
Hospitando Sardegna 2014

From to

Fiera Internazionale della Sardegna
Cagliari, Italy

Patisserie, Restaurants, Services for hotels and restaurants, Hotel furniture, Hotel equipment, Hotel industry


From to

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Tourism Organisms, Gastronomy, Furniture for restaurants, Hotel furniture, Hotel equipment, Food, Tourism, Hotel industry, Mice, Services

Equipousada 2013
Equipousada 2013

Well-being products, Fitness equipment, Hotel furniture, Hotel equipment, Basic Food, Furnishings, Food, Hotel industry, Services, Decoration

Fispal Hotel 2012
Fispal Hotel 2012

From to

Expo Center Norte
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Service, Hotel furniture, Hotel textiles, Hotel equipment, Furnishings, Food, Hotel industry, Services

Expocotelco June 2012
Expocotelco June 2012

From to

Centro Internacional de Negocios y Exposiciones CORFERIAS
Bogotá, Colombia

Hotel furniture, Household goods, Hotel equipment, Hotel industry

CasaHotel 2012
CasaHotel 2012

From to

Jockey Club de São Paulo
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Architecture, Hotel furniture, Hotel equipment, Decoration objects, Decorations, Decoration

Expo Bar y Centros de Consumo Monterrey 2011
Expo Bar y Centros de Consumo Monterrey 2011

From to

Monterrey, Mexico

Drinks, Technologies for hotels and restaurants, Hotel furniture, Hotel equipment, Kitchen equipment, Food, Hotel industry

Gastronómica Argentina 2011
Gastronómica Argentina 2011

From to

Centro Costa Salguero
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Drinks, Services for hotels and restaurants, Hotel furniture, Hotel equipment, Basic Food, Hotel industry