Events currently taking place Page 9

Expo Internacional del Español 2012

From to

Feria de Valladolid
Valladolid, Spain

Educational toys, Gastronomy, Cinema, Education centres, Education institutions, Education

Salão de Concursos da Bahia 2012
Salão de Concursos da Bahia 2012

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Centro de Convenções da Bahia
Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

Service, Education centres, Students, Education, Books, Services

TES Education North 2012
TES Education North 2012

From to

Manchester Central Convention Complex
Manchester, United Kingdom

Education centres, Education, Services

Expo Escuela Morelos 2012
Expo Escuela Morelos 2012

From to

Education centres, School, Education institutions, Office material, Education

Ejoc Yamaha 2012
Ejoc Yamaha 2012

Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid
Madrid, Spain

Musical instruments, Education centres, School, Education

Expo Excelencia Universitaria México 2011
Expo Excelencia Universitaria México 2011

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Centro de Exposiciones y Convenciones World Trade Center
Mexico City, Mexico

Training, Universities, Masters, Education centres, Students, Education

Artist Fest AFM 2011
Artist Fest AFM 2011

From to

Centro Banamex
Mexico City, Mexico

Training, Education centres, Artistas, School, Leisure, Art