Events currently taking place Page 3

Brasil Petróleo e Gás 2017
Brasil Petróleo e Gás 2017

From to

Centro de Convenções da Bahia
Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

Energy, Biofuels, Gas, Gas and Oil industry, Petroleum, Oil & Gas

FITMA 2017
FITMA 2017

From to

Centro Costa Salguero
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Water, Water treatment, Waste management, Biofuels, Sustainability, Natural Environment

Bióptima 2016
Bióptima 2016

From to

IFEJA Ferias Jaén
Jaen, Spain

Architecture, Biofuels, Renewable energy, Sustainable development, Sustainability, Natural Environment, Construction


From to

Deutsche Messe AG Hannover
Hannover, Germany

Energy production, Electrical engineering, Biofuels, Energy generation, Renewable energy, Industrial fairs, Renewable energies, Technology

Energy Solutions Expo 2015
Energy Solutions Expo 2015

From to

ExCel London
London, United Kingdom

Energy production, Water treatment, Recycled, Waste management, Biofuels, Natural Environment, Renewable energies

Congresso Internacional de Bioenergia 2015
Congresso Internacional de Bioenergia 2015

From to

São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Security, Energy production, Biofuels, Renewable energy, Renewable energies, Technology