ACHE AZAFATAS, winning second prize in the Women\'s Race between 345 teams

On Sunday May 8, 20,000 women participated in the VIII edition of the Women's Race to raise money to fight breast cancer.
One of the projects chosen by ACHE AZAFATAS on Corporate Social Responsibility for this year has been working in the Race for Women in Madrid. Thus, it facilitates the dissemination of this disease and its risk factors to a group of young women representing 90% of the employees of this company. The practice of sport and team spirit and cooperation are values ​​that are promoted.
ACHE AZAFATAS mailing campaigns conducted among employees to encourage participation and procedures prior to the race. Employees, family members and friends competed in the "Associations" thus securing the second prize.
The ACHE AZAFATAS team members do not hide their surprise at this achievement and appreciate the solidarity and motivation of all women who have been encouraged to compete to alleviate the effects of breast cancer. In the words of Elena Zarraluqui ACHE AZAFATAS director, "When we have reported the news could not believe it. This is a wonderful recognition for each of the members of our team. So I can only thank everyone for making this possible. The next year, compete for the top spot. Ganas are not going to miss. " # / media / set /? set = a.173154089406661.59418.100001362142188