UpandUps, Brussels Hostess Agency tips
Taysun Yum from UpandUps share with us her experience as Hostess Agency in Brusssels
How to select a hostesses agencies?
Contact business like Neventum. Is the easiest way i think! Otherwise you can search on internet for a hostess Agency, try to take contact with the commercial department of the embassy in Belgium (embassy of the company, ex: Denmark producer with Danish embassy in the country where the event take place) but the second solution take much more time... en results are not sure!
What a hostess brings to a trade show stand?
An hostess bring a better visibility of the company, it make the job of the commercial easiers because she will bring some customers, and she will also help to make the customer waiting during that the commercial is busy with an other customer. If there is no hostesses, maybe a customer will not take time to wait if the commercial is busy...
Three tips you would give to the entrepreneur when he has to choose a hostesses agency.
Ask an price quotation, ask pictures of the hostess, check if the hostess agency is used to do this kind of work or not.
Which basic knowledge you think a hostess needs to work on European Sea Food? (languages, specific knowledges...)
- the basic knowledge that an hostess needs is to speak at least English + one of the official languages in Belgium. French of Flemish.
- She don't have to know a lot of things about fishes ... she have to receive a short briefing about the company for wich one she's working ... this on the 1st day.
- The rest, details regarding the products, it's the job of the commercial. The job of an hostess is to make taht potential customers come to the stand, stay on it and ask for information. If she can do it, she's great.
- Sales of not, that the job of the commercial.
Which are, on your own opinion, the most difficult part of working on a trade show? And the advantages?
Most difficult part, is being as good at 9am as at 6pm. therefor the company have to foreseen drinks and food + rest time (somes 10min is enough) to be sure that the hostess will be performant all day long. that she can reste 1or2times during the day and that she will not claim because of pain as here feets, or whatever.
The advantage is the working on a trade show means for the hostess a good salary (at least 3/4 days by shows) Working inside (most of the time). And being in contacts with a lot of different horizon peoples (depending on the caractere of the hostess, it can be really interesting to learn)